A meeting with: Mary Shelley

Hello to everyone! 
My name is Mary Shelley. Maybe most of you know me for my work titled Frankenstein. It is a pleasure for me to talk today briefly about my life and my literary works. First of all, I would like to tell you a little bit about my life: 

I was born on the 30th of August 1797 in Somerstown in London. Unfortunately, my mother died when I was born. When I was young, I spent some time at a dame school. But, I was mainly educated at home where I studied history, literature and the Bible and I learned Latin, French and Italian and Greek.

In 1812, I met Percy Bysshe Shelley for the first time, the man who became my husband. In February 1815, I gave birth to my first daughter, but she died after a few days. However, in January 1816 I gave birth to a son and I named him William. In 1816, we decided to go to Lake Geneva where I was inspired to create my well-known novel, Frankenstein. That same year, I gave birth to my second child that unfortunately died. Percy Florence Shelley was my only child that survived, but in 1822 my lovely husband drowned in a lake and I went back to London. 

Back in England, I continued producing my works. Some of them are not as popular as The Last Man, The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck and Rambles in Germany and Italy. Finally, I died at the age of  53 in Bournemouth. 

After this little journey through my life, I invite you to see a video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4p96vqI3zA&t=177s) about my life explained by Philip Hoare (a writer) and Daisy Hay (my biographer). Let me thank you for being able to explain my brief biography and my main works. 

Until next time, 
Mary Shelley.

