Surprising Facts about Mary Shelley

Hello! It is Mary Shelley talking. Those days, I was thinking about my life and I presented to you the formal and known part of my life. Nevertheless, in this post, I want to talk about some curiosities and surprising facts about my life.
However, I am going to present only 3 curiosities about my life and if you want to know more go to the article "10 surprising facts about Mary Shelley":

  1. Frankenstein was written by me as a teenager. Yes, read it again! As a teenager! By the time I was in Geneve writing my most successful novel I was married to Percy Shelley and I only was 18 years old. 
  2. The novel came out due to a ghost competition. While I was in Geneve, I used to meet Byron, my husband Percy and the psychologist John Polidori. From one of our meetings, we came out with the idea of competing for creating the most tenebrous novel ever. 
  3. Frankenstein was a dream. I was sleeping one night and I had a terrible nightmare that helped me to create the story for my novel.
Do you want to read more? If you do, just click on the article that finishes talking about surprising facts about my life. I hope you enjoyed this post. 

Until next time, 
Mary Shelley. 

