
Ladies and gentlemen, it is a pleasure to welcome you to the most memorable event of the year: a meeting with the most popular women in English Literature.

Have you ever heard talking about Mary Shelley, Virginia Woolf or Emily Dickinson? There is an endless list of women writers that have contributed to the creation of a marvelous literature in the English-speaking countries, but most of them are unknown for us due to the inferior position that they have held for a long time in male-dominated societies.

Nevertheless, in this blog, most of these women writers will talk to you personally about their lives and their works. You will meet them and you will be part of the different tasks that they will commend you to understand better their inner world and their literary creation.

As young students of the English language, you should give importance not only to the language that you are learning but also to its culture as these two concepts cannot be detached one from the other. Therefore, we have selected to go in depth in the English literature as one of the main representations of culture, but in this case, related to the role of women writers because they should be given the importance that they deserve.

Finally, let me welcome you one more time to this event in which you will appreciate the literary works and lives of these women writers and how they will change your perspective of literature.
